Thursday, October 30, 2008

Pomegranate Jelly Woes

I was given about 10 pounds of pomegranates by our friend Farmer Bob. He is a real farmer and has lots of fruit and veggies in his personal garden that he shares with us. I didn't know what to do with them outside of using them for decoration, so I decided to try my hand at jelly. I've never canned a thing and didn't own any of the stuff needed to do this. Off to Walmart I went to buy the goods. I get to Walmart only to find out that it isn't canning season and their supply is limited. I was able to get a big pot, but nothing else. The grocery store did have jars and my friend Kate supplied the jar lifter. Armed with my Ball canning book I began. What I didn't know was how long it was going to take to juice pomegranates - 10 took about 1.5 hours. We picked the seeds from the fruit then then cooked 6 cups of the fruit for 5 minutes for 1/2 cup of boiling water, then put it in cheese close and began to bludgeon the seeds until we got 3 1/2 cups of juice. It was messy and oh well, with my daugher, Emily's help we got through it. We put it in the fridge and called it a night.

The next day I hauled all the stuff out again. I also bought fresh Pom juice to add to my juice, as we needed 4 cups of juice and we only had 3 1/2. It didn't take long, was a bit messy but I again got through it. But, my jelly isn't jelly. It seems to be pomegranite syrup. It didn't set up, as they say. I now have two options and haven't decided which one I'm going with. I can A - call it Pomegranate Syrup and give it as gifts or try to re-make. I did find a recipe online for remaking runny jelly. Stayed tuned and I will let you know what we decide to do. I'm also going to try and remember to take more photos of my kitchen antics as they occur.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

New to Blogging

So, today is the first day of my blogging experience. I have been cruising several garden blogs throughout the US and UK. We are getting ready to landscape our backyard and include a veggie garden spot. I ordered the All New Square Foot Gardening Book and am looking forward to trying to figure out what to do. I have always dabbled in gardening...currently we have 2 tomato vines and herbs. But, we have not done anything of this size before. Our home is in Central CA and the yard is quite large. We are considering 8, 4 X 4 gardening areas, enclosed by some sort of decorative fence. I think along the back there should be some sort of trellis for beans or gords. Attached is a picture taken last month in the garden at Monticello, VA. Anyone out there who has ideas of what we should start with, please we are young gardeners!