Friday, September 11, 2009

Fall & Pumpkins

Pumpkins...soup, jackolanterns and raviolis. Things I like! We currently have 4 pumpkins on 4 vines. I was hoping that I would have to choose which pumpkins to keep and which to pinch, but that was not what Mother Nature had in mind. You can see that they are beginning to turn orange. This is the biggest of the lot. One other is close is size, while the other two are small. So much for giant pumpkin seeds.

I began the pumpkin adventure in the raised bed with 1/3 vermiculte, compost and moss, but soon realized that this mix just wasn't working according to the book. So, I added two bags of miracle grow to the top soil and also periodically watered with horse manure tea! Yes, horse manure tea. I created this concotion by stopping on the side of the road and picking up road apples. I then put them in a 5 gallon bucket and added water - let this sit a week or so and have been slowly adding this to my watering regime. I've also added more water to the bucket daily to tone it down a bit! Keep looking and I'll keep you updated! Have a great fall!

1 comment:

earlysnowdrop said...

Nice Pumpkins. Hope they ripen for you! :)