Friday, September 18, 2009

Handsome Husband vs. Beast

We live at the edge of the foothills and water is scarce! The wild pigs are coming down to quench their thirst. But, the bad news is that they are ripping up the sprinkling systems to get to the water! So, handsome husband got a pig permit from the friendly game warden.

First one down was a baby of about 40 lbs. Our friend, Mike the former butcher and his brother in law "G" the gutter came to handsome husbands rescue. Because handsome husband didn't know what to do! Alas, we got the thing skinned, gutted and butchered and soaked it in salt water for our enjoyment later!

We had pig-a-bobs with fresh veggies over rice! Mmm good! Actually handsome husband didn't think that the tenderloins needed to be soaked, so they were a bit tough. But that there was no sign of that gamy taste you hear about.

A few nights later, while handsome is on his nightly ride giving Holly the Terrorize some exercise they ran across a pack of 10 more. This time the bigger one went down. We're guessing 120-150 lbs.

I thought it most important to include a, oh so cute picture, of Holly the Terrorizer cuddled up with her one of her bff's, "monkey". Holly faithfully sits in my office with me daily as I work away. She guards me with her life, just ask the UPS man.

Sure glad that this pigs didn't make it into my garden. I hear they eat anything and just about time to pluck those pumpkins.

1 comment:

Decor To Adore said...

I hope you receive some rain soon! Your dog is tooooo cute.